Apologies on such a late update. Pretty much have everything good to go, except now I need to test my web camera and it's speaker capabilities out in our new space. I don't know if it will be able to capture the sound from a wide audience in a bigger space, really would like to test that out. Tested it out in my own apartment and it works fine for a small room from about 6-8 feet away from the actual speaker itself.
Below is a mock up I designed in illustrator of how I hope this can be set up in our new space.
I'd like the cam mounted above the projected space so that I can have a kind of semi-birds view of the audience, it doesn't really matter if I can see who is asking a question or interacting with the avatar, the most important thing is that I can hear them from that distance.
The way I'll be setting this up is with my Mac Mini and a laptop. Laptop will go out in the exhibit section so that the projector can be hooked up and display what is going to be shown on the wall. My Mac Mini will be with me behind the scenes equipped with microphone and feedback from webcam.
Also, I am going to start making "flash backs" in which at certain intervals in second life movies will come up that show footage of what my character is discussing as if he recreated the scenes from his days being kidnapped by gold farmers. I will dedicate the time up until our next meeting to finish a few of these so that I can present them by our next class meeting in two weeks.
Below is a recreation of my character from World of Warcraft brought into Second Life, Armor and all.
(Actually was able to find World of Warcraft armor in SL).
Already have arranged two separate times to rent out a projector. Good news is they rent the projectors out for 48 hours so I'm good.
Also working on a basic story line script for my character. Here it is below.
Name: Story Time With Gal
Location: Second Life studio house with medieval motif.
Plot: Paladin Galashton from World of Warcraft has escaped the virtual world of Warcraft and traveled over into the safer realm of Second Life where he has settled down as a law abiding citizen and started his own talk show about his kidnapping and how the Chinese Gold Farmers took everything from him that he owned.
Elements: This will be a Q&A story time environment focusing on one character who will interact with an audience of real people and engage in conversation with them.
This will also be embedded with commercials and "flash backs" or "re-creations" of his time in World of Warcraft.
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