Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Second Life Performance Ideas

I have two different ideas for a Second Life performance:

First one would be to have everyone dress up as a fast food mascot. Since Second Life is full of beautiful avatars where health isn't a real life issue and eating has no bearing on health or physical appearance in a virtual world it would we interesting to incorporate fast food America patriotism in a virtual space. So if everyone dressed up as Ronald McDonald, Jack, Wendy's, etc etc. and paraded around it could potentially turn out to be very interesting.

My other idea was to dress up as a giant television screen. I have this television made already so I could distribute it to everyone in the class. On the screen of the television would be an actual live streaming or feed or our avatar portraiture or us in real life. It would be like dressing up as a TV and then walking around with a video feed of yourself on the screen. It would actually be easier to do this from a youtube video but nonetheless be very interesting as a performance piece in Second Life. 

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